FAQ about our Aussiedoodles & Corgipoos
What is F1, F1b and so on?
This is a great picture showing how the doodle generations work. Click on it to see an enlarged version. We currently breed F1 and F1B. F1 will give you puppies with a slight wave to wavy coats. These coats need less maintenance than a poodle coat but will still need grooming a few times a year. The beauty of an F1B litter is you get a great variety in coats; there's something for everyone! Some prefer the curlier coat and some prefer the wavy to straight coat. A curly coat will require more maintenance to ensure mats do not occur since there will always be some hair shedding (just like in people). The straighter coats do not mat as easily since hair does not get tangled. Here is a link that helps explain generations as well: Doodle Generations

Will my doodle shed?
There are a few factors that affect the shedding of dogs. Just like people shed hair there will always be some shedding. There is a shedding gene that can impact the amount. Can you believe that most poodles carry two copies of the HIGH shedding gene? It's true! What creates the minimal shedding is the furnishing gene. This is a dominant gene that creates the long hair on the face and legs. Poodles carry two of these which is why they are low shedding! Add to it the fact that they have long, curly hair. As the long curly hair is shed, it becomes caught in the other hair making it seem like there is no shedding. This actually will lead to mats if the dog is not groomed consistently. When a poodle is bred to a shedding dog, it gives every puppy a furnishing gene. THAT gene overrides the shedding gene. So most (if not all) F1 doodles will be low to non-shedding. It is possible to have a low shedding dog without furnishings. This can happen in an F2 doodle. Each F1 could contribute one non-furnished gene. If the pup also gets the low shedding genes it would be low shedding without furnishings. A F1B puppy will either have one furnishing gene or two (super fluffy!)
What is grooming like?
This can vary especially between the generations and breeds. Australian Shepherds and Poodles both carry the long hair gene (FGF5) which is a recessive gene. Since they both carry it all aussiedoodles regardless of generation are going to have long coats. This alone will require brushing and shaving . Keeping the coat short will help minimize some of the grooming. Most F1 Aussiedoodles will have one furnishing gene, two long hair genes, one curl gene, and if you are lucky (depending on the poodle) one low shedding gene. This combination requires regular brushing just like you do to help get the loose hairs out as new hair grows to prevent matting. Can you imagine if you didn't brush your hair (or you kid(')s(')) every day? Again, keeping a nice short cut is the best solution in my opinion. You can easily go about three months between cuts. Now when you move into an F1b cross that has two furnishing genes (remember not all F1b's will get two!) You will have a coat more similar to a poodle especially if you also get two curl genes. The curly (instead of just wavy) hair will tangle more and prevent hair from naturally shedding. This will give you the illusion that they shed less when in reality the hair is caught in the coat. The double furnishing gene helps to creat even more "fluff" which also increases chances of matting if regular brushing is not maintained. Again, in my opinion a nice short coat (up to an inch or so, even shorter in warm weather) is the best way to handle these coats. You can request longer hair on the head (such as the teddy bear cut) and you would have to brush that area (especially around the ears). Mentioning ears...don't forget to clean them! I don't recommend having the hairs plucked from the ears because that can cause an infection. You should have a simple ear cleanser on hand that you can squirt in the ears weekly and give a quick rub. It is good to ask the groomer to shave the underside of the ears to help with airflow.
After all that I still need to talk about corgipoos! As you probably know, corgis have short coats. The gene for long coats is recessive. So what happens in a first generation (F1) cross of a corgipoo is each pup gets one long coat gene from the poodle and a short coat gene from the corgi. The corgipoos in this cross will have shorter or "whisper" coats than an aussiedoodle. This actually makes the coat so much easier to care for! My F1 corgipoos don't require shaving (unless I want that look) and need very little brushing. They still have the furnishing gene, one curl gene, and a low shedding gene which all help reduce shedding. Now to get a really fluffy corgipoo we can breed an F1 corgipoo to a poodle and roughly half of those will get two long hair genes. Some of those may even get two furnishing genes. What is another way to get a fluffy corgipoo? Well, get a fluffy (long hair) corgi! Of course you could also use a corgi that only carries the long hair gene but you wouldn't know for sure without doing a genetic test. My plan is to bring in a long hair corgi in the future to have long hair F1 corgipoos. It is nice having the short hair though when it comes to grooming!
Do you do temperament testing?
Temperament testing is all the rage, isn't it? Most breeders do it. Do we? No, we do not practice temperament testing. There have been recent studies that show adult personality cannot be predicted by testing a very young puppy. Studies actually show it's events that happen during the puppy's first whole year of life that shape it's personality. Click the puppy to read the Puppy Culture blog on it:
How do your waitlist and reservations work?
When we have a planned litter we take a limited number of reservations for that litter. To hold a reservation spot it is $300. Once the litter is born we will have a puppy pick day. We go down the list of reservations and puppies are picked. On this day $200 now officially reserves your puppy. The remaining balance is due when your puppy is 8 weeks. Our prices do change at our discretion so the only way to lock in a price is to put a deposit down. If there are no more reservations available, or you prefer to not put a deposit down, we do have a contact list. Once paid reservations have been picked, we will go through our contact list.
Are deposits refundable?
Deposits are non-refundable. The only instance we would refund a deposit is if we could not provide a puppy (i.e. no longer breeding that breed). Deposits are transferrable between litters. Deposits help care for all breeding dogs. Breeders do not have control over many aspects such as due dates, number of puppies, breedings that didn't take, genders, colors, sizes, coat types, or what other reservations end up picking. Just because the puppy you "ordered" is not available (when YOU want it) does not constitute a deposit to be refunded. Your deposit will be moved to the next available spot on the next available litter. Deposits lock in the price listed when it is received so it is a great way to hold a current price on a future litter. Deposits and monies for extended stays and training are non-refundable as well.
Can we come visit?
For the health and safety of our dogs, we reserve visits for deposit holders only. We live on a farm and are very busy raising puppies and handling other farm duties. Please be courteous of our time.
Can we bring our dog(s) to meet our future puppy?
For the health and safety of our dogs and puppies, we can not allow outside dogs to interact with puppies. This is also why we use a mobile vet that comes to us. Vets offices are visited not only by healthy pets but also sick. We can't risk picking something up.
Do you offer transportion?
We can bring puppies to Denver International Airport to travel by air. Pet Cargo generally costs $450-$600. This includes crate, health certificate, and travel. This is subject to change based on the airlines' prices. Currently, due to COVID, most airlines are not allowing pets to travel in cargo. This means your puppy will have to fly in the cabin with you. This option will cost the price of your roundtrip ticket but needs to be verified with the airline. We will drive up to a 60 mile radius from Yoder, CO for free. We have great ground transporters that we refer to as well. We can share their contact information with you so you can reach out for an estimate. Transporters require a health certificate which our vet can provide for $50.
Can we fly in to pick up our puppy?
Yes! We can meet you at Denver International Airport or Colorado Springs Airport. Make sure you check with the airline and their requirements. Due to COVID airlines are not allowing puppies to travel in cargo. A passenger must fly with the puppy in the cabin. Also, some will only allow puppies over 16 weeks to travel. Your pup will require a health certificate which we can have our vet do. This is $50.
What is included with my puppy?
Puppies are litter box trained making housebreaking easier. Some owners like to continue the litter box due to not being able to be home for potty breaks or living in an apartment. If you would like a bag of "used" litter to take home for your yard, please ask! They are exposed to bathing and a dryer weekly to make grooming an easier process. They leave with a puppy bag that includes food, treats, a toy, brush, leash, collar, calmeroo (similar to a snuggle puppy) and blanket. These items do sometimes vary based off of availability. There is a folder that includes their 2 yr health guarantee (contract), 30 days free medical, and health records. Puppies receive their first 5-way vaccination, are microchipped, dewormed (age appropriate), and vet checked at 8 weeks. Puppies do require their last two dewormings at 10 weeks and 12 weeks and at least two more booster vaccinations (3-4 weeks apart). Rabies is typically administered at 16 weeks. See the recommended products tab for the Safe-Guard dewormer I recommend. Lifetime breeder support! Any fees incurred by selecting "Goods & Services" on Venmo or PayPal are the responsibility of the Buyer. If the fees are not included in the payment the payment will be returned.
What if I can't pick up my puppy at 8 weeks? Can you hold my puppy longer?
We do have a limited number of training packages available. We try to have at least one per litter but this is very dependent on when other litters are due and other aspects of life. It is possible to sometimes keep a puppy for 1-2 weeks longer (with no extra training) for a fee. We try to be as accomodating as possible for our awesome puppy families. If this is something you need, please communicate that with us (sooner rather than later!). Puppy money and any extra fees are due by 8 weeks of age.
What forms of payment do you take?
For deposits we accept cash, check, GoodDog, Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, and CashApp. Buyer is responsible for any fees when "Goods & Services" is selected on a payment platform. If a payment comes through for less than the full deposit, it will be returned or the fee will be added to the final balance owed. Our puppy prices can be thought of as cash prices. If fees are necessary for payments then the puppy price increases.
For final balances the same payments forms are acceptable but checks have to have cleared in time. Keep this in mind if that is how you intend to pay!
Can I see your contract & health guarantee?